Thursday, October 4, 2012

Part 1: The secret to anti-aging… Sit up straight!

The secret to anti-aging… Sit up straight!

The quickest before and after you will ever see:

We’ve all seen the endearing old couple walking down the street, shuffling and hunched over; they are unable to lift their heads upright to see where they’re going let alone to embrace in a romantic kiss.  The explanation for this is not just do to old age; rather it is their inhibited posture that is actually impeding their once mobile, flexible young tissues.  In most cases this humpy, hunchy posture can be avoided by taking preventative measures in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.

I first became curious about posture when I started massage therapy school but quickly put it on the back burner when 750 other things took precedence. My curiosity eventually resurfaced when I started my professional practice and had patients constantly quizzing me about how to properly hold their bodies.  It wasn’t until I started a regular yoga practice that I took a personal interest in how my bones stack on top each other and what it feels like to have good posture.

So what on earth is good posture and how can this keep you staying young?  

Firstly, I think its important to consider what causes us to age and degenerate in the first place.  To keep it simple; anything that causes stress on the body, or taxes a particular system in the body, can inevitably speed up the aging process.  Whether it be through physical stress, (caused by a poor diet or lack of exercise) or emotional stress, (such as an unhealthy relationship or excessive worry), on some level, our bodies are being taxed and the surplus of natural resources we need to be healthy are being depleted.  As our bodies age they have a harder time coping and managing stress.  So why not take action and support our bodies with good posture?  In doing so we can potentially decrease some of the stress that our bodies have to interpret on a daily basis. 

Benefits of Sitting up Straight

·      Spinal Alignment
·      Engagement through core, Pelvic floor and Transversus abdominus
·      Lengthened Hamstrings
·      C1 and Jaw (TMJ) alignment
·      Vertebral Disc, Membranous, Muscular, ligamentous, tendonous, fascial and joint health
·      More efficient circulation especially to the extremities
·      Efficient Lymphatic Flow
·      Energetic Flow
·      Increase in flow of Qi
·      Increased space for Lungs to breath
·      Increased space for the Heart to beat and pump
·      Diaphragm has space to expand and contract
·      Increased oxygen and blood to the brain
·      Ease on the organs because they have space to preform their function
·      Decrease in stress and anxiety
·      Feeling more alert, alive, present, awake, focused, productive

As you can see, sitting in a more vertical and upright posture can have all these enormous benefits on your body, causing less stress on the body as a whole, ultimately means your body has an easier time trying to achieve homeostasis and your sympathetic nervous system can stop firing.  Just by focusing on your posture everyday you are taking preventative measures in slowing down the aging process.

So before you start looking like the hunch back of Notre dame, here are some preventative measures that are essential to staying and looking young

Preventive Measures

·      Yoga
·      Mediation
·      Core Exercises
·      Massage
·      Chiropractic treatment
·      Physiotherapy
·      Regular exercise
·      Acupuncture

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I have been thinking a lot about balance, and what one can do to balance the mind and body. I started thinking about that more now that I have a two year old. Life is definitely busier!

I recently went to a meditation night and noticed how little quite I get, and how refreshed I felt after just a few hours of "me" time. I use to get a similar reaction from a yoga class or a good run but lately that hasn't been enough.

We often do a lot for body maintance like eating well, exercising, massage, stretching, and yoga. We exercise our mind with work and projects. 

What has been missing for me is relaxing the mind, giving it a little time out, enabling myself to de clutter so that I can attune myself and feel balanced through out the day. 

I am going to start meditating and setting clear intentions and we will see where this journey takes me. 

I offer you  a link to a meditation I am going to try tonight.

Thank you,
Michealla Redeker, RMT

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome all existing and new patients

Our doors have been open for business for just a little over one week now and we are extremely happy with our new space.  We have had a steady stream of people coming through the clinic and thus far its been fairly seamless.  This is an exciting time for both Derek and I and without sounding too cheesy our recent new chapter in life has been both fulfilling and rewarding.  I'll speak for both of us when I say that we feel grateful and blessed to have such an abundance of support.
In saying that there is always kinks to be ironed out, we hope to have our online booking system to be up and running "efficiently" over the weekend.  Our apologies to anyone who didn't find the online booking system user friendly.
Moving forward we are going to be welcoming Michealla Redeker RMT into the office starting March 1st.  The three of us have been working together over the last 6 years and we have a solid working and personal relationship.
Please don't hesitate to call or email the clinic if you have any questions.
Rain City Massage Therapy
(604) 568-9886